Parents and Teachers

smART Pixelator combines hands-on creativity and innovative light technology to create a new take on STEAM learning. Kids learn how to pixelate any image from their smart devices using a variety of craft materials. Step-by-step instructions for both 2D and 3D projects are just the beginning; a free app encourages customization, experimentation, and virtually endless activities.


According to a recent Toy Association study, 91 percent of today’s parents recognize the value of encouraging the development of science, technology, engineering, art, and math skills (STEAM) in their children. However, their frustration in promoting those skills is competition with screen time, time constraints, and lack of fun learning options. When a toy effectively promotes STEAM skills, is age appropriate, intelligent, and open-ended, parents can enthusiastically endorse the toy, and even more importantly, use the toy to play together with their child.


A growing body of research, including reports by the Arts Education Partnership and the Dana Foundation, present compelling evidence that art promotes basic academic and social skills that every child needs.

smART Pixelator turns “art” into “smART” by encouraging skills through play.

  • Fine Motor Skills: Each of the three smART Pixel medium (beads, pegs, and sequins) nurture fine motor skills in small hands and promote the dexterity needed for beginning, as well as advanced, writing.
  • Creativity: Choosing–or changing–a color, deciding what type of pixel to use, and creating a story about a project gives kids the chance to make fail-safe decisions and experiment with new ideas.
  • Language Development: Talking about art creates opportunities to learn words for colors, dimensions and the types of created designs.
  • Self-esteem: Seeing and displaying a finished project boosts a child’s confidence in his or her abilities.


smART Pixelator is at heart, a building toy. Kids build their projects using light technology and smART Pixels. Building builds STEAM skills.

  • Problem solving. What goes where?
  • Critical thinking.  What happens next?
  • Exploration: What if…?
  • Play-after-play: 3D projects promote story-telling and endless new activities.


Expressing oneself in a unique way through art and building is key to the fun of playing with smART Pixelator. Each downloaded picture is an individual’s choice. Every project can be further customized with color. However, the ease of play, and the joy of creation make this an ideal play-together parent-child, or child-child activity.

  • Open-ended. There’s no right or wrong way to play.
  • Gender Neutral: Everyone plays!
  • Social/Emotional Learning: When a child leads an adult in the play process, it builds confidence and important social skills.